Curious About the Weather?
Check out the conditions in a few of the cities I'd most like to visit.
San José, CR
scattered clouds
- High: 78 ° F
- Low: 73 ° F
- Humidity: 83 %
- Wind Speed: 11 mph
- High: 74 ° F
- Low: 66 ° F
- Humidity: 80 %
- Wind Speed: 1 mph
Saint Petersburg, RU
clear sky
- High: 61 ° F
- Low: 52 ° F
- Humidity: 63 %
- Wind Speed: 3 mph
Christchurch, NZ
light rain
- High: 51 ° F
- Low: 48 ° F
- Humidity: 90 %
- Wind Speed: 4 mph
Buenos Aires, AR
broken clouds
- High: 61 ° F
- Low: 59 ° F
- Humidity: 60 %
- Wind Speed: 1 mph
- High: 67 ° F
- Low: 58 ° F
- Humidity: 68 %
- Wind Speed: 3 mph
This app retrieves data from the API at
Open Weather Map.